Extra Mile Timing 4/27/2019 12:08 AM
              San Gabriel Valley League - 4/23/2019 to 4/26/2019               
                              Prelims and Finals                               
                              Warren High School                               
Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 11.50  5/3/2011    Shadonna Hunter, Paramount                  
    DI 2 & 3: # 12.74                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 13.14                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 13.24                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Ashley Miller             11 Paramount                12.51#  1.6  10   
  2 Anysa Baker               10 Dominguez                12.87+  1.6   8   
  3 Bryanna Anderson          10 Downey                   12.89+  1.6   6   
  4 Mia Fernandez             11 Downey                   13.37   1.6   4   
  5 Jasperesha Hammond        10 Lynwood                  13.50   1.6   2   
  6 Daniella Kodama           10 Warren                   13.51   1.6   1   
  7 Mikala Fletcher           11 Downey                   13.67   1.6 
  8 Halle Sii                  9 Warren                   13.76   1.6 
  9 Audrey Candia             11 Warren                   13.79   1.6 
Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 24.30  1984        C. Roberts / A. Perkins, Cerritos / Gahr    
    DI 2 & 3: # 26.24                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 27.34                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 27.14                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Ashley Miller             11 Paramount                25.18#  1.3  10   
  2 Jazminn Parrish           12 Gahr                     25.33#  1.3   8   
  3 Bryanna Anderson          10 Downey                   26.78+  1.3   6   
  4 Daniella Kodama           10 Warren                   27.58   1.3   4   
  5 Makiya Butler              9 Downey                   27.92   1.3   2   
  6 Daniela Lopez             10 Warren                   27.97   1.3   1   
  7 Mia Fernandez             11 Downey                   28.12   1.3 
  8 Mikala Fletcher           11 Downey                   28.24   1.3 
  9 Jaila Merritt             10 Dominguez                28.40   1.3 
Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity
 SGVL Record: *   54.09  2001        Angel Perkins, Gahr                       
    DI 2 & 3: # 1:01.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 1:02.94                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 1:04.14                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jazminn Parrish           12 Gahr                     57.99#  10   
  2 Jazmin Orozco             11 Downey                 1:00.90#   8   
  3 Gisselle Perez             9 Lynwood                1:03.88    6   
  4 Fatima Lopez              11 Lynwood                1:04.11    4   
  5 Rhianna Sandoval          10 Warren                 1:05.51    2   
  6 Elizabeth Moreno          11 Warren                 1:06.02    1   
  7 Michelle Campos           10 Warren                 1:06.29  
  8 Jasmine Briones           12 Downey                 1:06.96  
  9 Makayla Wade               9 Gahr                   1:10.25  
Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 2:14.07  4/29/2008   Ne'Ausha Logan, Warren                    
    DI 2 & 3: # 2:27.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 2:27.14                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 2:35.14                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alejandra Ayala           10 Paramount              2:21.13#  10   
  2 Laura Velasco             12 Downey                 2:23.70#   8   
  3 Emma Vitela                9 Downey                 2:28.01    6   
  4 Bryanna Garcia            11 Warren                 2:28.87    4   
  5 Priscella Gomez           10 Warren                 2:35.44    2   
  6 Aris Torres-Ortiz         12 Gahr                   2:35.50    1   
  7 Magdalena Quinones        11 Downey                 2:37.51  
  8 Daniella Gomez            10 Downey                 2:39.16  
  9 Natalie Esparza           10 Warren                 2:43.00  
 10 Isabel Munoz              10 Downey                 2:44.49  
 11 Priya Khetani             11 Gahr                   2:44.61  
 12 Miriam Pineda Gonzalez    11 Paramount              2:45.12  
Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 4:58.88  5/4/2010    Danielle Rodriguez, Warren                
    DI 2 & 3: # 5:22.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 5:30.14                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 5:40.14                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alejandra Ayala           10 Paramount              5:16.57#  10   
  2 Alyssa Tapanes             9 Downey                 5:21.27#   8   
  3 Alicia Liera              11 Warren                 5:29.86+   6   
  4 Mia Neuman                11 Downey                 5:43.21    4   
  5 Priszila Anguiano         10 Warren                 5:43.90    2   
  6 Priscella Gomez           10 Warren                 5:52.21    1   
  7 Madeline Reynoso          11 Downey                 5:55.37  
  8 Arianna Cervantes         12 Warren                 5:56.05  
  9 Natalie Esparza           10 Warren                 5:56.39  
 10 Delilah Lopez             11 Warren                 5:57.21  
 11 Alissa Valenzuela          9 Downey                 5:58.38  
Girls 3200 Meter Run Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 11:06.46  5/3/2016    Gwendolyn Hurtado, Warren                
    DI 2 & 3: # 11:59.14                                                       
   DII 2 & 3: + 12:10.14                                                       
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 12:40.14                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alejandra Ayala           10 Paramount             11:11.72#  10   
  2 Nadine Gomez              11 Warren                11:14.54#   8   
  3 Alicia Liera              11 Warren                12:03.28+   6   
  4 Laura Velasco             12 Downey                12:08.61+   4   
  5 Mia Neuman                11 Downey                12:27.24    2   
  6 Skye Gutierrez            10 Warren                12:30.15    1   
  7 Priszila Anguiano         10 Warren                12:43.14  
  8 Alissa Valenzuela          9 Downey                12:55.03  
  9 Camila Aguilar            12 Downey                12:56.27  
 10 Aracelly Guerra           10 Warren                13:11.81  
 11 Karen Chavez              10 Warren                13:15.82  
 12 Leslie Juarez              9 Warren                13:35.85  
 13 Andrea Diaz               11 Downey                13:42.07  
 14 Aris Torres-Ortiz         12 Gahr                  13:54.22  
 15 Miriam Pineda Gonzalez    11 Paramount             14:18.10  
 16 Jennifer Huerta           10 Paramount             14:18.53  
 17 Ariana Jerez               9 Paramount             14:29.66  
 18 Nayeli Gonzalez            9 Paramount             14:43.59  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 14.60  1986        Jamea Johnson, Gahr                         
    DI 2 & 3: # 16.44                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 17.74                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 18.24                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Alexis Gonzalez           12 Downey                   17.19+  0.5  10   
  2 Nalani Rodriguez          11 Downey                   18.70   0.5   8   
  3 Diana Chan                12 Downey                   18.74   0.5   6   
  4 Clarissa Martinez         12 Downey                   19.21   0.5   4   
  5 Jasmine Perez              9 Warren                   19.45   0.5   2   
  6 Juliana Fernandez         11 Downey                   19.99   0.5   1   
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 44.88  5/2/2005    Raynal Johnson, Gahr                        
    DI 2 & 3: # 48.54                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 51.04                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 51.34                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ruby Marquez              10 Warren                   51.50   10   
  2 Daniela Vilorio           11 Warren                   53.27    8   
  3 Alexis Gonzalez           12 Downey                   54.52    6   
  4 Nalani Rodriguez          11 Downey                   55.23    4   
  5 Samantha Ordonez          10 Warren                   57.06    2   
  6 Diana Chan                12 Downey                   57.13    1   
  7 Julia Sicairos            12 Downey                   57.30  
  8 Clarissa Martinez         12 Downey                   57.62  
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 47.14  5/2/2005    Lynwood, Lynwood                            
    DI 2 & 3: # 50.64                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 51.94                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 52.54                                                          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Downey                                                50.65+  10   
     1) Bryanna Anderson 10             2) Mia Fernandez 11               
     3) Chiamaka Ikejiofor 12           4) Arriyon White 12               
  2 Warren                                                51.86+   8   
     1) Elizabeth Moreno 11             2) Halle Sii 9                    
     3) Daniela Lopez 10                4) Daniella Kodama 10             
  3 Lynwood                                               52.94    6   
     1) Gisselle Perez 9                2) Jasperesha Hammond 10          
     3) Fatima Lopez 11                 4) Magdalena E. Arguera 12        
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 3:56.57  5/2/2005    Lynwood, Lynwood                          
    DI 2 & 3: # 4:16.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 4:20.14                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 4:30.14                                                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Downey                                              4:07.65#  10   
     1) Arriyon White 12                2) Chiamaka Ikejiofor 12          
     3) Jazmin Orozco 11                4) Emma Vitela 9                  
  2 Lynwood                                             4:26.38    8   
     1) Ruby Chavez 11                  2) Jasperesha Hammond 10          
     3) Fatima Lopez 11                 4) Gisselle Perez 9               
  3 Warren                                              4:27.89    6   
     1) Rhianna Sandoval 10             2) Elizabeth Moreno 11            
     3) Melana Goodloe 9                4) Aubry Saleapaga 10             
Girls High Jump Varsity
 SGVL Record: *  5-06  4/29/2008   Christen Fletcher, Gahr                     
    DI 2 & 3: #  4-09                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: +  4-08                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^  4-06                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Chiamaka Ikejiofor        12 Downey                 5-04.00#  10   
     4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02 5-04 5-06 
        O    O    O    O    O  XXX 
  2 Michelle Campos           10 Warren                 4-10.00#   8   
     4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 
        O   XO    O  XXX 
  3 Jazmin Orozco             11 Downey                 4-06.00    6   
     4-04 4-06 4-08 
        O  XXO  XXX 
  4 Mikala Fletcher           11 Downey                 4-04.00    3   
     4-04 4-06 
        O  XXX 
  4 Mia Fernandez             11 Downey                 4-04.00    3   
     4-04 4-06 
        O  XXX 
  6 Ruby Marquez              10 Warren                 4-04.00    0.50
     4-04 4-06 
       XO  XXX 
  6 Makiya Butler              9 Downey                 4-04.00    0.50
     4-04 4-06 
       XO  XXX 
 -- Emily Murphy              10 Warren                      NH  
 -- Jaclyn Urzua               9 Downey                      NH  
 -- Ruby Chavez               11 Lynwood                     NH  
Girls Pole Vault Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 11-06  2001        Joana Rapadas, Downey                       
    DI 2 & 3: #  9-00                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: +  8-00                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^  7-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Linda Rodas               10 Warren                 8-06.00+  10   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 
        O    O  XXX 
  2 Gabriella Arciga          12 Downey                 7-06.00    8   
     7-00 7-06 8-00 
        O   XO  XXX 
 -- Kaitlyn Corona            11 Downey                      NH  
Girls Long Jump Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 20-10  5/4/2012    Shadonna Hunter, Paramount                  
    DI 2 & 3: # 16-03                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 16-00                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 15-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Arriyon White             12 Downey                16-09.50#  NWI  10   
     16-08.75(NWI) 16-09.50(NWI) 14-05.25(NWI) 13-11(NWI) 15-06.50(NWI) FOUL     
  2 Ashley Johnson            10 Dominguez             16-03.00#  NWI   8   
     16-03(NWI) 15-08(NWI) 15-11(NWI) 15-07(NWI) 14-05(NWI)   
  3 Amaranta Torres           10 Gahr                  16-00.50+  NWI   6   
     FOUL      16-00.50(NWI) 15-02.75(NWI) FOUL      15-11(NWI) 15-05(NWI)
  4 Arely Macedo              11 Downey                15-04.25   NWI   4   
     14-11(NWI) 15-04.25(NWI) 14-06.25(NWI) 14-10(NWI) 14-07(NWI) FOUL     
  5 Daniella Kodama           10 Warren                14-05.50   NWI   2   
     14-05.50(NWI) 13-08(NWI) FOUL      13-04.50(NWI) 13-05(NWI) FOUL     
  6 Rhianna Sandoval          10 Warren                14-02.75   NWI   1   
     13-07.50(NWI) 14-02.75(NWI) 14-00.50(NWI) FOUL      13-09(NWI) 12-01(NWI)
  7 Gabriela Nunez             9 Downey                14-01.00   NWI 
     14-01(NWI) FOUL      13-06.25(NWI) 13-08.50(NWI) 13-02(NWI) 14-01(NWI)
  8 I'Niya Poindexter         11 Paramount             14-00.00   NWI 
     FOUL      12-11(NWI) 14-00(NWI)         
  9 Jasperesha Hammond        10 Lynwood               13-11.00   NWI 
     13-11(NWI) 13-07(NWI) 13-06.50(NWI)         
 10 Amber Delgado             10 Warren                13-10.00   NWI 
     13-00(NWI) 12-10.50(NWI) 13-10(NWI)         
 11 Keila McMillan            10 Lynwood               12-07.00   NWI 
     12-07(NWI) 11-04(NWI) 12-01.50(NWI)         
 12 Daniela Lopez             10 Warren                12-01.50   NWI 
     11-04.25(NWI) 12-01.50(NWI) 12-00.75(NWI)         
 13 Monica Luna                9 Downey                12-00.00   NWI 
     11-08.75(NWI) 12-00(NWI) 11-11.75(NWI)         
 14 Le Nise Acker             10 Dominguez             11-10.00   NWI 
     11-04.75(NWI) 11-01.25(NWI) 11-10(NWI)         
Girls Triple Jump Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 39-07  2003        Nicole Duhart, Gahr                         
    DI 2 & 3: # 33-06                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 33-06                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 30-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Arriyon White             12 Downey                34-07.50#  NWI  10   
     34-07.50(NWI) 33-06(NWI) 33-10.25(NWI) FOUL      FOUL      32-01.50(NWI)
  2 Ashley Johnson            10 Dominguez             32-10.00^  NWI   8   
     32-10(NWI) FOUL      32-10(NWI) FOUL      31-11(NWI) 31-06(NWI)
  3 Arely Macedo              11 Downey                32-10.00   NWI   6   
     FOUL      32-05.50(NWI) FOUL      31-10.50(NWI) 32-10(NWI) 31-07(NWI)
  4 I'Niya Poindexter         11 Paramount             29-05.00   NWI   4   
     29-05(NWI) 29-00.50(NWI) FOUL      28-05(NWI) FOUL      29-03(NWI)
  5 Jaclyn Urzua               9 Downey                27-11.25   NWI   2   
     27-03.50(NWI) 25-05(NWI) FOUL      27-01(NWI) 27-11.25(NWI) 26-10.25(NWI)
  6 Gabriela Nunez             9 Downey                27-11.00   NWI   1   
     27-05.25(NWI) 25-05(NWI) 26-02(NWI) 27-05.25(NWI) 27-11(NWI) 27-08.25(NWI)
  7 Amber Delgado             10 Warren                26-01.50   NWI 
     25-05.25(NWI) FOUL      26-01.50(NWI) FOUL      24-10.50(NWI) 25-02(NWI)
  8 Monica Luna                9 Downey                25-09.50   NWI 
     25-08(NWI) FOUL      25-09.50(NWI)            
 -- Le Nise Acker             10 Dominguez                 FOUL       
     FOUL      FOUL      FOUL              
Girls Shot Put Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 42-01  4/29/2008   Stephanie Aliimatafitafi, Paramount         
    DI 2 & 3: # 32-06                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 31-00                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 25-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dayanara Cendejas         10 Warren                39-02.00#  10   
      34-02  FOUL  FOUL  34-07  37-08  39-02
  2 Megan Melendez            10 Warren                33-01.00#   8   
      29-03  32-03  33-01  28-07  30-10  30-00
  3 Leslie Martinez           11 Warren                32-01.00+   6   
      31-07  32-01  FOUL  FOUL  30-04  29-00
  4 Alexandra Urzua           11 Downey                31-10.00+   4   
      29-08  31-10  30-02  29-02  30-09  30-08
  5 Raelynn Chavez            11 Downey                29-10.00    2   
      28-06  29-10  26-00  26-06  28-10  28-04
  6 Amaranta Torres           10 Gahr                  28-08.00    1   
      27-05  27-09  27-10  26-00  27-03  28-08
  7 Faitalia Ah-Fook          11 Warren                28-00.00  
      FOUL  28-00  28-00  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  8 Leslie Chavez             10 Downey                26-11.00  
      26-11  26-03  25-11         
  9 Mariah Jenkins             9 Warren                26-11.00  
      25-09  25-11  26-11         
 10 Kalani Martin             10 Lynwood               25-08.00  
      24-08  25-08  24-02         
Girls Discus Throw Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 139-09  5/5/2015    Alini Williams, Paramount                  
    DI 2 & 3: #  95-00                                                         
   DII 2 & 3: +  90-00                                                         
   DIII 2 &3: ^  85-00                                                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dayanara Cendejas         10 Warren                  114-03#  10   
      114-00  112-04  113-00  FOUL  114-03  FOUL
  2 Faitalia Ah-Fook          11 Warren                  110-04#   8   
      110-04  105-04  105-06  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  3 Idalis Amezcua            12 Warren                  103-08#   6   
      102-04  95-01  95-03  97-03  103-08  102-00
  4 Megan Melendez            10 Warren                  102-04#   4   
      FOUL  FOUL  94-04  101-11  102-04  FOUL
  5 Leslie Martinez           11 Warren                  100-01#   2   
      FOUL  100-01  FOUL  FOUL  93-06  FOUL
  6 Ariana Edwards            12 Downey                  100-00#   1   
      97-03  100-00  84-03  95-06  98-04  96-01
  7 Dhafni Prillwitz Ochoa    12 Downey                   94-00+ 
      94-00  FOUL  91-07  92-01  88-10  90-10
  8 Leslie Chavez             10 Downey                   93-05+ 
      FOUL  FOUL  93-05         
  9 Kailani Fletcher           9 Downey                   76-03  
      76-03  73-09  74-08         
 10 Raelynn Chavez            11 Downey                   72-06  
      72-06  71-06  68-00         
 11 Kalani Martin             10 Lynwood                  69-10  
      69-10  64-08  FOUL         
Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 10.52  2004        Lionel Larry, Dominguez                     
    DI 2 & 3: # 11.24                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 11.34                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 11.44                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Willie Cleveland          11 Paramount                11.11#  1.5  10   
  2 Ali Ahmed                 10 Downey                   11.16#  1.5   8   
  3 Jacob Skobis              10 Downey                   11.43   1.5   6   
  4 Anthony Dixon             10 Gahr                     11.45   1.5   4   
  5 David Garcia               9 Downey                   11.47   1.5   2   
  6 Ahmad Parker              11 Paramount                11.49   1.5   1   
  7 Ajmir Hassan              10 Gahr                     11.87   1.5 
  8 Xavier Williams            9 Paramount                11.97   1.5 
  9 Micheal Gonzalez          11 Warren                   12.03   1.5 
Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 21.10  2003        Lionel Larry, Dominguez                     
    DI 2 & 3: # 22.94                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 23.04                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 23.14                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Anthony Williams          11 Paramount                22.44#  1.4  10   
  2 Ali Ahmed                 10 Downey                   22.48#  1.4   8   
  3 Jacob Skobis              10 Downey                   23.10   1.4   6   
  4 Ahmad Parker              11 Paramount                23.27   1.4   4   
  5 Anthony Dixon             10 Gahr                     23.32   1.4   2   
  6 David Garcia               9 Downey                   23.60   1.4   1   
  7 Earnest Henderson         11 Lynwood                  23.79   1.4 
  8 Willie Cleveland          11 Paramount                24.10   1.4 
  9 Ajmir Hassan              10 Gahr                     24.34   1.4 
Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 47.81  1989        Roosevelt Langston, Dominguez               
    DI 2 & 3: # 51.54                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 52.04                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 53.14                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Anthony Williams          11 Paramount                50.32#  10   
  2 Alessandro Ferreira       10 Downey                   50.91#   8   
  3 Theo Julius               11 Dominguez                51.34#   6   
  4 Jacob Guerrero            12 Downey                   52.47    4   
  5 John Williams             10 Dominguez                53.43    2   
  6 Josiah Morris             10 Gahr                     53.53    1   
  7 Richard Garcia            11 Lynwood                  54.11  
  8 Jordan Thomas             11 Gahr                     55.43  
Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 1:54.60  1984        Dwight Range, Lynwood                     
    DI 2 & 3: # 2:00.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 2:04.14                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 2:05.54                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Christian Hernandez       12 Paramount              2:00.68+  10   
  2 Brandon Murillo           11 Downey                 2:03.09+   8   
  3 Ayaan Chariwala           11 Gahr                   2:03.28+   6   
  4 Alex Guardado             12 Warren                 2:03.93+   4   
  5 Jesse Sanson              12 Downey                 2:07.39    2   
  6 Emiliano Jacobo           12 Downey                 2:07.62    1   
  7 Alex Bourgeault           11 Downey                 2:09.20  
  8 Gerardo Rubio             11 Warren                 2:09.24  
  9 Neftali Percastegui       12 Paramount              2:09.32  
 10 Marcus Surjopolos         11 Gahr                   2:09.46  
 11 Brian Jimenez             11 Downey                 2:10.27  
 12 Isaac Mendoza             10 Warren                 2:13.83  
Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 4:17.90  5/5/2015    Anthony Alfaro, Gahr                      
    DI 2 & 3: # 4:32.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 4:35.14                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 4:41.14                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kishan Patel              11 Gahr                   4:27.27#  10   
  2 Alfredo Santana           12 Warren                 4:29.30#   8   
  3 Antonio Munoz             12 Warren                 4:30.93#   6   
  4 Andres Serna              12 Warren                 4:36.73    4   
  5 Santiago Martinez         12 Paramount              4:37.20    2   
  6 Andrew Romero             10 Gahr                   4:40.22    1   
  7 Leonardo Acevedo          11 Warren                 4:40.98  
  8 Emanuel Corona             9 Warren                 4:41.39  
  9 Cyrus Gutierrez           11 Downey                 4:42.21  
 10 Jose Sandoval             11 Paramount              4:46.63  
 11 Adrian Alvarez            10 Paramount              4:49.30  
 12 Jeremy Paguia              9 Gahr                   4:54.05  
Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity
 SGVL Record: *  9:24.90  1982        Ken Arreola, Gahr                        
    DI 2 & 3: #  9:55.14                                                       
   DII 2 & 3: + 10:03.14                                                       
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 10:30.14                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fabian Gomez              11 Warren                 9:49.47#  10   
  2 Antonio Munoz             12 Warren                 9:57.68+   8   
  3 Alfredo Santana           12 Warren                10:01.77+   6   
  4 Kishan Patel              11 Gahr                  10:08.12    4   
  5 Owen Franco               11 Warren                10:09.34    2   
  6 Matthew Enriquez          12 Downey                10:09.93    1   
  7 Michael Ortiz             10 Paramount             10:14.92  
  8 Andres Serna              12 Warren                10:20.91  
  9 Leonardo Acevedo          11 Warren                10:27.86  
 10 Emanuel Corona             9 Warren                10:30.55  
 11 Jose Sandoval             11 Paramount             10:34.30  
 12 Adrian Alvarez            10 Paramount             10:41.66  
 13 Andrew Romero             10 Gahr                  10:41.95  
 14 Jorge Zarate              12 Downey                10:43.01  
 15 Cyrus Gutierrez           11 Downey                10:48.13  
 16 Santiago Martinez         12 Paramount             10:49.46  
 17 Yasfren Valenzuela         9 Downey                10:55.11  
 18 Aaron Aragon              10 Downey                10:55.41  
 19 Jeremy Paguia              9 Gahr                  11:00.60  
 20 Jose Jimenez              12 Paramount             11:07.03  
 21 Ayaan Chariwala           11 Gahr                  11:19.35  
 22 Alex Lucero               10 Gahr                  11:22.20  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 14.08  4/29/2008   Devron Walker, Dominguez                    
    DI 2 & 3: # 16.14                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 16.24                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 17.04                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Drew Pickett              12 Paramount                15.12#  1.4  10   
  2 Joseph Terminel           11 Warren                   16.95   1.4   8   
  3 Gabriel Esparza           10 Downey                   17.26   1.4   6   
  4 Nathaniel Perez            9 Downey                   18.93   1.4   4   
  5 Manny Rodriguez           11 Downey                   19.89   1.4   2   
  6 Andrew Alvarez            11 Lynwood                  20.04   1.4   1   
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 37.70  1997        Dereck Brown, Dominguez                     
    DI 2 & 3: # 41.34                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 42.74                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 43.34                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Drew Pickett              12 Paramount                39.82#  10   
  2 Gabriel Esparza           10 Downey                   42.75    8   
  3 Joseph Terminel           11 Warren                   46.12    6   
  4 Antonio Ruiz               9 Downey                   46.85    4   
  5 Miguel Campos              9 Warren                   48.08    2   
  6 Andrew Alvarez            11 Lynwood                  48.93    1   
  7 Manny Rodriguez           11 Downey                   49.61  
  8 Nathaniel Perez            9 Downey                   50.40  
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 41.40  1998        Dominguez, Dominguez                        
    DI 2 & 3: # 43.94                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 44.84                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 45.04                                                          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Paramount                                             42.94#  10   
     1) Willie Cleveland 11             2) Drew Pickett 12                
     3) Ahmad Parker 11                 4) Anthony Williams 11            
  2 Downey                                                44.30+   8   
     1) Jacob Skobis 10                 2) Ali Ahmed 10                   
     3) Noah Skobis 12                  4) David Garcia 9                 
  3 Gahr                                                  46.17    6   
     1) Ajmir Hassan 10                 2) Josiah Morris 10               
     3) Anthony Dixon 10                4) Dominic Denina 10              
  4 Warren                                                46.44    4   
     1) Christopher Venegas 12          2) Steven Marquez 11              
     3) Ecay Starks 10                  4) Micheal Gonzalez 11            
 -- Dominguez                                                DQ   Zone 2 Late
     1) John Williams 10                2) Tyler Brown 12                 
     3) Julian Merritt 12               4) Theo Julius 11                 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 3:16.33  1998        Dominguez, Dominguez                      
    DI 2 & 3: # 3:32.14                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: + 3:33.14                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 3:40.14                                                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Paramount                                           3:30.07#  10   
     1) Donya Wilson 12                 2) Drew Pickett 12                
     3) Christian Hernandez 12          4) Anthony Williams 11            
  2 Downey                                              3:30.68#   8   
     1) Jacob Guerrero 12               2) Noah Skobis 12                 
     3) Ali Ahmed 10                    4) Alessandro Ferreira 10         
  3 Dominguez                                           3:36.92^   6   
     1) Theo Julius 11                  2) Tyler Brown 12                 
     3) Julian Merritt 12               4) John Williams 10               
  4 Gahr                                                3:38.57    4   
     1) Dominic Benin 10                2) Marcus Surjopolos 11           
     3) Anthony Dixon 10                4) Josiah Morris 10               
  5 Warren                                              3:39.10    2   
     1) Christopher Venegas 12          2) Steven Marquez 11              
     3) Alex Guardado 12                4) Damien Martinez 10             
Boys High Jump Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 6-09.25  5/2/2006    Alex Black, Downey                        
    DI 2 & 3: #    5-10                                                        
   DII 2 & 3: +    5-10                                                        
   DIII 2 &3: ^    5-09                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 John Guevara              11 Downey                 6-00.00#  10   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 6-02 
        O    O    O    O  XXO    O  XXX 
  2 Alessandro Ferreira       10 Downey                 6-00.00#   8   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 6-02 
        O    O    O    O    O  XXO  XXX 
  3 Tyler Brown               12 Dominguez              5-06.00    6   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 
        O    O  XXO  XXX 
  4 Carlos Vallejo            11 Downey                 5-06.00    4   
     5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 
       XO   XO  XXO  XXX 
  5 Joshua Jones              11 Lynwood                5-02.00    2   
     5-02 5-04 
        O  XXX 
 -- James Guerrero             9 Downey                      NH  
 -- Nathaniel Perez            9 Downey                      NH  
Boys Pole Vault Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 15-07  4/30/2013   Eric Enriquez, Downey                       
    DI 2 & 3: # 12-00                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 10-00                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^  9-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Andrew Guzman             11 Downey                10-00.00+  10   
     9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 
       XO   XO   XXO   XXX 
  2 Sebastian Sisniega        10 Warren                 9-00.00    8   
     9-00 9-06 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Alexander Martinez        10 Downey                      NH  
 -- Luis Cortez               10 Downey                      NH  
 -- Daniel Arenas             12 Warren                      NH  
 -- Maximiliano Swoboda       10 Downey                      NH  
Boys Long Jump Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 23-08.25  5/5/2015    Ekene Chuwumezie, Downey                 
    DI 2 & 3: #    20-06                                                       
   DII 2 & 3: +    20-06                                                       
   DIII 2 &3: ^    20-00                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Nathaniel Esmana          12 Paramount             20-10.25#  NWI  10   
     20-10.25(NWI) 20-09.50(NWI) FOUL      FOUL      FOUL        
  2 Jordan Galindo            10 Downey                20-05.25   NWI   8   
     18-05.50(NWI) 19-02.50(NWI) 20-04.50(NWI) 19-09.25(NWI) 19-11.25(NWI) 20-05.25(NWI)
  3 Michael Stemage           12 Paramount             20-03.50   NWI   6   
     19-05.75(NWI) 20-03.50(NWI) 17-05(NWI) 16-09(NWI) 16-04(NWI) 18-10.50(NWI)
  4 Franklyn Taylor            9 Downey                20-03.25   NWI   4   
     19-05.75(NWI) 20-03(NWI) 19-06.25(NWI) 20-03.25(NWI) FOUL      19-09(NWI)
  5 Dominic Denina            10 Gahr                  20-01.50   NWI   2   
     19-07.50(NWI) 19-02(NWI) 20-01.50(NWI) 19-02.75(NWI) 19-03(NWI) 19-00(NWI)
  6 Gabriel Esparza           10 Downey                19-08.00   NWI   1   
     19-08(NWI) 19-00.50(NWI) 19-00.25(NWI) 17-03.50(NWI) 18-08.75(NWI) 19-05.75(NWI)
  7 Tyler Brown               12 Dominguez             19-05.50   NWI 
     19-05.50(NWI) 19-00.25(NWI) FOUL      FOUL      FOUL      FOUL     
  8 Cristian Butler           10 Dominguez             19-03.25   NWI 
     FOUL      18-05(NWI) 18-10.25(NWI) 19-03.25(NWI) 19-00.75(NWI) 17-09(NWI)
  9 Issac Corona              11 Warren                19-00.50   NWI 
     17-09.25(NWI) 17-09.50(NWI) 18-05(NWI) 19-00.50(NWI) FOUL      18-08.75(NWI)
 10 Andrew Bolanos            11 Warren                18-02.00   NWI 
     18-02(NWI) FOUL      FOUL              
 11 Joseph Terminel           11 Warren                17-10.00   NWI 
     17-07.50(NWI) 16-11.25(NWI) 17-10(NWI)         
 12 Maximiliano Swoboda       10 Downey                17-07.75   NWI 
     16-00.50(NWI) 17-07.75(NWI) 17-07.25(NWI)         
 13 Ecay Starks               10 Warren                17-07.25   NWI 
     14-01.25(NWI) 17-07.25(NWI) 17-06(NWI)         
 14 Colby Evans               10 Dominguez             16-11.50   NWI 
     16-05.75(NWI) 16-02.25(NWI) 16-11.50(NWI)         
 15 Cesar Ruiz                11 Warren                16-01.25   NWI 
     14-03.75(NWI) 15-05(NWI) 16-01.25(NWI)         
 -- Earnest Henderson         11 Lynwood                   FOUL       
     FOUL      FOUL      FOUL                 
Boys Triple Jump Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 49-10.75  1985        Anthony Burnette, Lynwood                
    DI 2 & 3: #    41-05                                                       
   DII 2 & 3: +    41-06                                                       
   DIII 2 &3: ^    39-00                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 LaSalle Jackson           12 Paramount             44-09.00+  NWI  10   
     FOUL      44-09(NWI) 43-11.50(NWI)           
  2 Terrell Placide           11 Downey                38-09.75   NWI   8   
     38-09.75(NWI) FOUL                    
  3 Michael Stemage           12 Paramount             38-01.50   NWI   6   
     36-11(NWI) 37-08.50(NWI) 37-11.50(NWI) 37-08.25(NWI) 38-01.50(NWI) 38-01.25(NWI)
  4 Tyler Brown               12 Dominguez             38-01.50   NWI   4   
     36-00(NWI) FOUL      38-01.50(NWI) FOUL      FOUL      35-03.50(NWI)
  5 Maximiliano Swoboda       10 Downey                37-10.00   NWI   2   
     37-10(NWI) FOUL      FOUL      37-02(NWI) 37-08.25(NWI) 36-03(NWI)
  6 Colby Evans               10 Dominguez             37-07.00   NWI   1   
     37-00.25(NWI) 37-07(NWI)            
  7 Andrew Guzman             11 Downey                37-01.25   NWI 
     36-05.50(NWI) 35-08.50(NWI) 36-05(NWI) 36-01(NWI) 37-01.25(NWI) 36-09(NWI)
  8 Joseph Terminel           11 Warren                36-08.75   NWI 
     FOUL      36-06.25(NWI) 36-08.75(NWI) FOUL      FOUL      33-03(NWI)
  9 Ecay Starks               10 Warren                36-05.00   NWI 
     36-05(NWI) FOUL      34-00.50(NWI) FOUL      FOUL        
 10 Carlos Vallejo            11 Downey                36-03.00   NWI 
     36-03(NWI) 35-07.50(NWI) 36-02(NWI)         
 11 Luis Cortez               10 Downey                35-11.25   NWI 
     35-10.50(NWI) 35-11.25(NWI) 35-01.50(NWI)         
 12 Cristian Butler           10 Dominguez             34-11.25   NWI 
     FOUL      34-11.25(NWI)            
 13 Alovy Moreno              11 Warren                33-10.25   NWI 
     33-04.25(NWI) 33-10.25(NWI) 33-10(NWI)         
 14 Marc Wilker               11 Warren                32-04.25   NWI 
     32-00.75(NWI) 32-04.25(NWI) FOUL              
Boys Shot Put Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 61-01  1964        Pace, El Rancho                             
    DI 2 & 3: # 44-00                                                          
   DII 2 & 3: + 43-00                                                          
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 41-09                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Casanova AhFook           12 Warren                50-04.00#  10   
      44-03  47-03  47-07  47-04  50-04  49-09
  2 Jose Cisneros             12 Downey                47-11.00#   8   
      47-11  FOUL  FOUL  47-03  FOUL  FOUL
  3 Ugonna Ikejiofor          10 Downey                47-10.00#   6   
      47-04  47-10  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  47-02
  4 Atir Estrada              12 Warren                45-10.00#   4   
      44-07  39-05  42-05  45-10  45-02  FOUL
  5 Anthony Velasco           12 Downey                42-09.00    2   
      39-11  40-08  41-09  39-09  42-09  40-04
  6 Noah Palacios             12 Downey                41-03.00    1   
      38-10  FOUL  39-09  38-11  41-03  FOUL
  7 Joseph Gonzalez           12 Gahr                  39-08.00  
      39-08  FOUL  38-06  37-01  FOUL  FOUL
  8 Brandon Gallegos          11 Warren                37-09.00  
      37-08  37-09  37-04         
  9 Michael Aceves             9 Downey                37-08.00  
      37-01  37-08  FOUL         
 10 Kenneth Pena              11 Warren                36-08.00  
      34-00  36-02  36-08         
 11 Yatae Lewis               10 Lynwood               31-09.00  
      31-09  FOUL  FOUL         
 12 Moses Bustamante           9 Warren                30-05.00  
      FOUL  30-05  FOUL         
Boys Discus Throw Varsity
 SGVL Record: * 187-02  5/3/2011    Ma'a Brown, Paramount                      
    DI 2 & 3: # 130-00                                                         
   DII 2 & 3: + 130-00                                                         
   DIII 2 &3: ^ 115-00                                                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jose Cisneros             12 Downey                  155-08#  10   
      FOUL  125-02  147-03  FOUL  FOUL  155-08
  2 Casanova AhFook           12 Warren                  142-09#   8   
      131-04  133-10  121-01  136-10  FOUL  142-09
  3 Anthony Velasco           12 Downey                  131-02#   6   
      FOUL  110-09  FOUL  111-05  131-02  FOUL
  4 Zevastian Rosales         11 Downey                  124-10    4   
      76-02  118-10  118-07  124-10  114-09  124-08
  5 Daniel Bravo              12 Downey                  123-11    2   
      FOUL  110-11  123-11  123-01  FOUL  FOUL
  6 Atir Estrada              12 Warren                  123-09    1   
      123-09  FOUL  123-00  123-00  FOUL  FOUL
  7 Kenneth Pena              11 Warren                  113-11  
      102-09  FOUL  103-00  104-05  104-04  113-11
  8 Brandon Gallegos          11 Warren                  101-10  
      101-10  91-10  FOUL         
  9 Moses Bustamante           9 Warren                   93-09  
      85-10  93-09  48-02         
 10 Yatae Lewis               10 Lynwood                  86-08  
      FOUL  86-08  86-00         
 -- Ugonna Ikejiofor          10 Downey                    FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
              Women - Varsity - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Downey                     188.50     2) Warren                    150.50
    3) Paramount                   54        4) Lynwood                    26   
    4) Gahr                        26        6) Dominguez                  24   
                Men - Varsity - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Downey                     189        2) Paramount                 119   
    3) Warren                     101        4) Gahr                       40   
    5) Dominguez                   25        6) Lynwood                     4